Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bats in My Bed

Sunday night, just as my husband and I were drifting off, I was startled by a darting shadow above my head, closely followed by my other (better!) half launching out of bed, clearly on a mission...

Yep... a bat on the loose in our bedroom.  My instincts sent me flying out of the room towards my most defenseless (ie youngest) child's room, where I spent the next ten minutes huddled, wondering if my other two children and husband were being subjected to the ravages of bat attacks, rabies, etc - but God knows I wasn't opening the door to find out.

Eventually, my (in-this-case) very heroic husband retrieved me from my cowering state "in the grass" of my baby's room to tell me he had used our bedspread to capture the bat.  Subsequently, he had killed it within said bedspread (sorry animal rights people), disposed of the bat corpse, wiped off the bedspread using "antibacterial wipes", and wondered could he put the bedspread back on the bed?  Naturally, I wondered, could we get all new bedding, a new bed, and oh yeah maybe move?!

Truthfully, pre-bat encounter we were already interested in upgrading to a king size bed from the double bed hell we've been enduring for 10 years (above).  Now that a good portion of the bedding is off to the dump, I am all over this STAT!

My two favorite contenders, for their dramatic shape and nailhead trim...

Serena and Lily


And I'm finding this etsy seller's custom upholstered headboards intriguing, too... and the price is right for sure!

If I wasn't so busy with my kiddos and an onslaught of client projects, I might take it on as as DIY, like Centsational Girl did below...

Check out her step by step instructions by clicking here

And, if anyone is interested in purchasing my Serena and Lily double/queen headboard pictured earlier in the post, let me know!


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